Creating Suspense in Novels: The 3 Essential Elements

Shock is an unexpected event that interrupts a situation. In novels, suspense, mystery and shock are used to create different effects on the reader. To create suspense, four elements are necessary: the reader's empathy, the reader's concern, imminent danger, and es

Creating Suspense in Novels: The 3 Essential Elements

Shock is an unexpected event that interrupts a situation. In novels, suspense, mystery and shock are used to create different effects on the reader.


and mystery are closely related, as they both involve some kind of uncertainty or doubt. To create suspense, four elements are necessary: the reader's empathy, the reader's concern, imminent danger, and escalating tension.

Conflict is essential for any novel, and it is also a key factor in creating suspense. Whether the story is about solving a murder or saving humanity from extinction, this conflict will be at the center of what will make readers anxious to know what is going on. Smaller conflicts can also be used to build on the main conflict and create more suspense. The rhythm of the novel is another important component in creating suspense.

If the plot develops too slowly or too much time is spent on details that don't increase conflict, readers will stop feeling the need to keep moving on, reducing the sense of suspense in the story. To create more suspense, set a deadline for your conflict or a short time limit for resolving the problem. False clues are clues in your story that mislead readers. They are very important in suspense because they make readers follow the wrong paths and prevent them from solving the mystery before the end.

The mood and tone of your novel will affect how readers feel when they read your book. The place where your story takes place and the atmosphere it brings to the overall plot will help create suspense in your novel. For example, placing your story in a dark, abandoned building will make readers feel more nervous than in a busy theme park on a sunny day.

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